Monthly Archives: June 2014

It's always dangerous when I write at night. I've been switching back and forth all day about whether or not to get in on the Hobby Lobby case. It stems from highly controversial matters. Primarily, do we as Christians have a right to have our religious beliefs protected? I would tend to believe that most of you who read this would answer yes. If your answer is no, there's probably no point in reading any further. By doing so, you're likely to shout at your computer much like I do when I read information which I disagree with.hobby-lobby1 If you're still with me, there is another layer of this controversy that deserves attention. Why does Hobby Lobby refuse to pay for birth control for its employees?  I did some research.

It seems that droves of people are angered that Hobby Lobby would refuse birth control to its employees. In response, I wanted to know more about the drugs Hobby Lobby is against and what their reasoning for such opposition would be.

First, I found that out that according to USA Today, the Hobby Lobby case doesn't currently affect the birth control methods that are most commonly used." In fact, Hobby Lobby approves sixteen out of twenty types of birth control. This brings me to share what I found about two particular methods that Hobby Lobby does not approve of.

(Hobby Lobby is no way keeping women from using these drugs,  They are still highly available. They're simply against covering them.)

Hobby Lobby (namely the Greens who own the family business) fought not to have to pay for coverage of Plan B "the morning after pill" and ella, another morning after pill. While the "morning after pill"  is not the same as an "abortion pill", its effect on an already existing pregnancy is unknown, according to multiple sources.

I've heard more times than I can count that these pills do not affect an existing pregnancy, but sites that I encountered said otherwise (and I tried to stay off Christian-leaning sites lest I appear biased).

According to the Center for Arizona Policy, "the 'morning after pills' (MAP's) potential mechanisms of action include

- interference with transport of the fertilized egg to the uterus


-prevention of implantation in the uterine wall.

Both instances are referring to a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg is a human, the morning after pills act as an abortifacient (an abortion causing drug). Hobby Lobby has the right not to pay for such a drug. I might add that these pills (the Plan B MAP) can be obtained without a prescription. Plan B is found at some pharmacies on the shelf. There is no need for it to be covered in a health plan just as there is no need for coverage of other obtainable drugs without a prescription, such as cough drops.

There is more concern for the "morning after pill" ella, which Hobby Lobby has earned the right not to cover. Ella is made to be taken up to five days after intercourse. Its chemical makeup is closer to RU-486 (the abortion pill). Arizona Policy states that "'morning after pills' can cause an abortion. It further states that the main difference is that the morning after pill "can only be taken up to 72 hours after intercourse, is available over the counter, and doesn't always act as an abortifacient".

Hobby Lobby covers sixteen drugs/methods for contraception. For someone who has not been using contraception and fears pregnancy, they have the ability to purchase the MAP. There is no reason why a company that believes that a newly-formed life could be destroyed by this drug should have to pay for it.

Lastly, (which I suspect has no political or moral leaning) suggests that a woman can use ella in case of suspected pregnancy. Isn't an intentionally-ended pregnancy an abortion? It goes on to say that "the risks to a fetus when using ella is unknown and should be apprised (as) a potential hazard to the fetus."

Maybe most interesting in the ella drug information, is the section titled "Use in Specific Populations". Ella is a tablet of ulipristal acetate. The following describes what happened when ulipristal acetate was administered to rats, rabbits and monkeys.

Ulipristal acetate was administered repeatedly to pregnant rats and rabbits during the period of organogenesis. Embryofetal loss was noted in all pregnant rats and in half of the pregnant rabbits following 12 and 13 days of dosing, at daily drug exposures 1/3 and 1/2 the human exposure, respectively, based on body surface area (mg/m2). There were no malformations of the surviving fetuses in these studies. Adverse effects were not observed in the offspring of pregnant rats administered ulipristal acetate during the period of organogenesis through lactation at drug exposures 1/24 the human exposure based on AUC. Administration of ulipristal acetate to pregnant monkeys for 4 days during the first trimester caused pregnancy termination in 2/5 animals at daily drug exposures 3 times the human exposure based on body surface area.

I'm not looking for a fight. I am truly compelled to be informed. Maybe its my passion for the cause of the unborn that compels me. Take Hobby Lobby and do with it what you will. I personally will pray thanks that a victory has been won. And I'll probably soon use the two Hobby Lobby gift cards that have been burning a hole in my wallet.

Here are several of my sources:



Because I've been awful cranky,

Because the news is full of depressing junk,

Because we all need to laugh and cry (the good kind of cry) a little more,

I've searched for ten heartwarming videos and articles to get me out of my funk. Several times I sat down to write today, and everything I started to type out was negative. My kids still won't put their plates in the sink regardless of my daily demonstrations and reminders. The news disappoints with headlines of people who lie and use their children to make a buck. Then there's the Christian lady in Sudan who has been imprisoned for her faith. As soon as she'd tasted freedom, having been released only hours before, she is rearrested for nonsense. I'm still waiting to hear she's on a plane to the good ole' US. We have children starving and unsupervised at our border, and honestly there's no easy answer. Bad news. And more bad news. We can't ignore it. But some days call for perspective. Today is one of those days.

Here are ten videos and articles. They're not all new.  Some made me laugh, some made me smile, and some caused tears to run out my nostrils. In observance of my emotions, Jason left the room.  He doesn't know what he's missing......But I'll tell him.

#10 This video is a couple of years old.  It's about a boy with autism who manages his HS basketball team.  He finally gets his shot (actually quite a few shots) on the court.  You'll cry happy tears even if you've seen this before.

#9 Amy Adams gives up her first class seat to a soldier.  Heartwarming. Now check it out.


#8  Gosh.  I keep trying to type out my feelings about this video.  It's pretty cool.  I'll just say that.  Trust me.

My favorite line? I would run like myself.

#7 Isaiah Austin picked for NBA draft.  I'm sure you've probably read about this, but it deserves to be on my list.


#6 This a dad and daughter duo.  You may not cry, or laugh, but your cheeks just might hurt from smiling.



#5 Sad one. But a really, really good one about a selfless lady who is leaving behind a legacy of love.

#4 Rylie loses her first tooth.  Came across this jewel trying to remember some of my all-time favorites.



#3 You had to know there would be a military homecoming surprise video in here.

#2 Susan Boyle's First Audition_ I remember calling my mom the minute I watched this video.  I made her look it up on youtube. As soon as I publish this post, I'm going to watch it again (and sing along with her quietly).


#1 Kid President He just might be my #1 hero.  He's a kid with osteogenesis and an indomitable (couldn't even spell it without help) spirit.  He has a bunch of videos.  I love them all.

 The world needs more good news makers and good news sharers.  Got good news? Have a video for my next cranky/need-a-new-attitude day?  Share that too.  Because sharing is caring.


image If you're anything like my family, you'll be making some miles this summer.  Here are 15 signs you've spent too much time in the car. 

Check yourself.

1. You start counting the yellow stripes in the center of the highway.

2. You can't wait for the next gross gas station bathroom. Literally. You can't wait.

3. You find yourself wishing you still had one of those large laminated maps in the glove box so that you could unfold it and then challenge yourself to get it back to the correct folded position.

4. You count cows.

5. You count the white car to total car ratio.

6. You start to think you might have OCD because of your obsession with counting everything, until you see a small bruise on your leg which gets you to thinking about blood clots.

7. You consider waving wildly at the car in the next lane, like you know them, just to get their reaction.

8. You flip down the visor and the mirror suggests that you carry a slight resemblance to Dustin Hoffman.

9. You look an hour later and decide you could more easily be mistaken for Johnny Depp himself than his girlfriend (which makes you decide that you should freshen your makeup).

10. The fly in the car keeps you on the edge of your seat.

11. You start to make acronyms with the letters on the license plate on the SUV in front of you. (912 LSG -nine-hundred twelve large speckled goats)

12. You'd pick a Big Grab of Spicy Doritos from Pak-A-Sak if given the chance to have your wish granted for any one thing with the exception of being home.

13. Your kid invites you to a Pokemon challenge. And you accept.

14. Drooling and/or head bobbing happens.

15. And finally, you may have spent too much time in the car if you considered one or more of the following:

-Learning the parts of both the phantom and Christine on the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack

-Performing the "Cups" song with dash-slapping being the replacement for an actual cup

-Teaching the kids the "Fresh Prince of BelAir" theme song

-Recording any of such acts

Drive and ride responsibly this summer.


ry olaf

I'm just a little girl caught in the moment

I'm so scared but I don't show it

I can't figure it out

It's bringing me down I know

I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

(lyrics from The Show –by Lenka)


Before we get started, those lyrics are about me, not Rylie.


This has been an anxious week.  May was anxious too because Rylie decided to perform for the Variety Show at school. I'm just going to go ahead and tell you that I tried to talk her out of it. I even offered to allow her to skip school and do something fun in lieu of participating in the show. Rylie once asked me if I was a "Helicopter Mom"; in other words a smother mother. I think this attempted stunt to avoid the variety show answers that question.

I just worry.

To begin with, the words Rylie and microphone are redundant. She lives loud. Giving her a microphone, a stage and an audience is just plain dangerous.

playSee what I mean?  Who knows what she's doing here.  This was her last play.  The whole hat pulled down with her arms crossed wasn't in the part.  She told me that she'd decided to "go off script".

Any of the three above (microphone, stage or audience) invite some sort of Super Rylie to emerge. She's likely to come up with spontaneous choreography, or lyrics, or both. Not knowing what to expect scares me senseless.

I wasn't sure how she'd be received. Of course, I love her to pieces. And yes I love hearing her sing. But as a parent I don't want her to waste her talent singing for anybody who doesn't appreciate her offering. Not knowing what to expect, or even worse, expecting the worst scares me senseless.

Would the microphone make that awful screechy sound if she held it too close? What if she trips on the way up? What if she forgets the words? What if the audience doesn't clap? What if some kid insults her performance? Would she get off beat?

When she told me that she wanted to sing, the first thing I did was order a magic trick from If she was determined to perform, I thought it safer to perform a fail-proof magic trick. It was one of those cool blue and red scarfs. All she had to do was say a couple of cute words and presto-chango the scarf turns magically to yellow and green. I want to leave little margin for mess-up.  She wasn't having it though, so I slyly bullied her into doing the safest song I could come up with. It was short and sweet. And it was a song from the hit "Frozen" so it had to be popular. Who doesn't love Frozen for crying out loud?

I was a wreck this morning. Then just about the time the tardy bell rang in the school hall I finally did what I should have been doing all along. I prayed. Not that I haven't been praying about this situation, but this prayer was sort of a "I give" prayer; A "now that I've fashioned this experience to the best of my ability and still ended up NOT in control" prayer. I prayed that God would be present. I thought of all of things that His presence assures. God's presence makes her safe. I began to realize that there was nothing that could happen to her outside his control. I was reminded that His presence meant that she would be surrounded by love whether or not that love came in the form of human accolades. I prayed for peace and realized somewhere in the midst of my frantic uttering that my pleadings were more needed for myself than for my trusting, innocent eight year old.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

She sang this morning with an unplanned twirl or two. People clapped. She smiled. It was beautiful just like every other single act that was performed this morning.

I realized that the stage she sang on was much smaller than I had imagined it in my mind. The real stage is much larger and I'm on it too. In my nervous dance this morning, I decided to do my own unplanned spin. I prayed the kind of prayer that comes from a desperate heart. I prayed earnestly. And I decided to trust.

Hayden is now officially a Senior. Hallie starts her last year of Junior High in August. Rylie will be facing the dreaded STAAR test next year. I want to be a director of this thing called life. I want to write the parts, and the ending to each act. But I know pretty well that I'm more of a participant alongside these three. May they see me trust as I walk beside them. May they see me be strong and courageous in the parts that unexpectedly become a part of the script.

All my fears, and grand ideas, my control….

I've got to let it go.

And just enjoy the show




Here at the laundromat again. This time Hallie is my unfortunate companion. I say that, but really we're becoming our own world changers as we sit here. We're thinking of things to make life better and easier.
unnamed (69)


Here's what we've come up with.

We face decisions every day, every hour. Some are big decisions and some are less consequential. The problem, Hallie and I decided, is that we have a hard time figuring out which decisions matter and which decisions aren't worth the lint collecting in the dryers here at the Sunshine Washateria.

The dynamic duo that we are, we've come up with an approach to help those of us who spend unnecessary time and emotion making decisions.

In the dozens of times in a single day you find yourself facing a decision, always proceed by answering this question.

Does the decision I'm facing illicit a response of

1.whoopty doo?


2. Jesus probably cares about this?

If your decision's rightful response is whoopty doo, don't waste your time mulling over what to do. Flip a coin. Do eeny menie miney mo. Or see the decision as meaningless and just do something!..... or other (keeping in mind that it doesn't matter).

If it's likely that Jesus would probably care about the decision you're making then be thoughtful, prayerful. Wisely and with caution decide what to do.

Not with us yet?  Let us give you a few whoopty do and JPC (Jesus probably cares) scenarios.

Your afternoon snack. Should you have Lays chips or a cosmic brownie?

Whoopty doo. It really doesn't matter.

You were short and critical with your sister when she asked if you like her new dress.

Jesus probably cares.
The next thing you should do is decide how to make things right.
Go back and compliment her.

Go hang out with her.

You've got an unsightly pimple to the right of your lip? Do you say you got stung by an ant? Cover it with gobs of makeup? You could. But you shouldn't have gone that far. The answer was whoopty doo.

Move on.

You notice someone has been down on their luck for a couple of weeks. They're not your favorite person in the world. You see them sitting down, they seem unapproachable.


Do you walk off knowing they got what they deserve?

Ignore them (it's probably none of your business).


Talk to them.


Flats or sandals?

Whoopty doo.

Cover those tootsies and keep walking.

You're having the best conversation with your mother. If you don't hurry, you're going to miss your favorite show.

Whoopty doo.

Que importa.

Hallie's conclusion:

Be careful to know which is which. Sometimes personality pimples are worse than facial pimples.

Kristi's conclusion:

Eliminate the stress that comes from overthinking the meaningless. Stop wasting your time on things that really don't matter. Count your whoopty doos as blessings. You'll be freeing up your time and heart for things that Jesus probably cares about.

 …..theLORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you; to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8