Monthly Archives: November 2014


First things first.

This is my 4ooth post!

I've been itching to write.  Because the number 400 is exciting!

(slightly more exciting than 396 and strangely, way more exciting than 402)

I don't have anything riveting to write about.  Life has been smooth which really hurts my writing vibe.  Not that I'm asking for crazy.  Speaking of crazy.....

This year marks the first time we've ever had a professional family picture taken (not including the church directory pictures). Every year I force family pictures for Christmas cards, but this year a Christmas picture card just isn't in the cards.  The kids must feel like their forced apparel, unnatural poses and head tilts are all in vain.  Just so I can say they weren't tortured without purpose, I'll post a couple of the family pics along with

Ten things you wouldn't know from looking at the pictures

1. Someone has syrup in their hair.

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2. Somebody slammed the door on someone else because they were in a tiff when we left the house.

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3. We were later than we anticipated to the photo shoot because we had to stop and get gas even though somebody told somebody else hours before we left that we had plenty.

Clue: The person who was supposed to get gas is in this picture.
Clue: The person who was supposed to get gas is in this picture.

4. Later than we anticipated meant we still got there early so that somebody could take pictures before the pictures because she's a control freak.

I had to sneak a few before she got there.
I had to sneak a few before she got there.


5. Only one person in the pictures likes taking family's the control freak. And by taking pictures, I mean she wants to hold the camera.

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6. We talked about the zombie apocalypse on the way. (We have a safety plan and it includes the underworking of the Rainbow Bridge.) That's enough.  I've said too much.

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7.  Somebody bought bright pants because she wanted  vivid color in the pictures.  And then didn't like the pants because they were bright.

8.  It was really cold and windy and we weren't as happy as we looked.  The photographer probably wasn't happy either.  We were bossy to her.

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9.  One person wore white dorky socks, but that person was forced to take them off and put them in his pocket.  (He did this same thing two years ago).

We went Duggar in this picture.
We went Duggar in this picture.

10.  The piggy back smooch thing is not for real.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Not all of those words are nice.....

or pretty....

or even necessarily true.

But it's all of those thousand words that makes life a beautiful story.




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Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come.  We have only today.  Let us begin.  -Mother Teresa

Ignore the black shirt I'm wearing in this post. I'm in the same shirt on Facebook a couple of times in the past week, with different accessories. It's a comfortable shirt.

And I like comfortable.

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We passed this bus last week on our way to Waco. With its red flames in our rear view mirrors, we said we should have taken a picture of it.

Shoulda coulda woulda.

My life is full of those.

I had a terrible dream two nights ago. It was vivid and powerful. Sharing it is somewhat weird because the dream was seriously depressing. I have no idea why I dream so dreadfully, but I do.  I have a Stephen King sort of mind. (I have no idea whether or not I should be making that comparison. I've never read or seen anything of his. I just know he's creepy......My dreams are creepy).
In my dream Jason and I were in an unfamiliar church in a small room getting ready for Sunday School. We were with a boy and a man who I assumed to be the boy's father.
Another man walked in and approached us talking in a way that I quickly knew we were going to die at his hand. I looked at Jason for direction. Should we run? Should I say something about Jesus? Beg for my life?  

I wasn't ready to die and I knew that it was likely that my choices at this point were of little consequence.

A single thought then overwhelmed me. Surprisingly it WASN'T the things I'd miss out on in the event of my untimely death. l wasn't thinking about not seeing Hayden graduate. I wouldn't see Hallie or Rylie get married, but that's not what I was thinking of either. My heart wasn't even broken at the fact that I hadn't gotten to say goodbye to all those I love.
Rather than thinking of my dying, I was thinking about my living. I remember in facing death there was sorrow in all things I had not done that I'd had the chance to do. -Days I had taken for granted in my living for Friday, comfortable black shirt kind of lifestyle.

Lets' face it. How many lackadaisical days are near empty of worship while I live life according to my own good and self-pleasing will? Is my service faithful? Is my living well done?

Three hundred sixty-five days on repeat I wake up, eat some food, do some stuff, speak to some people and then hit the pillow and think about doing the same thing again. Sure some prayers are strewn in, in thankfulness, adoration and desperation. But those prayers tend to be more about me and in my timing than about an almighty God who is worthy of my everything.
In my dream I was about to lose my life but the thing I cared the most about was how I'd lived all the days that had been "written in (His) book".

We're not promised tomorrow. Not promised it here anyway. Today is the only thing we have control of.

This dream weaved a big thought. 

Regret in a fair sense is not what you're going to miss, but rather what you've missed in all the days you were GIVEN. Regret isn't intended to bring about  shame, but rather gratitude in another chance and hope that we'll do better with that chance.

Gratitude looks to the Past and love to the Present; fear, avarice, lust and ambition look ahead.

C.S. Lewis

I tell the kids; the only good thing about bad dreams is that they're only dreams.

You wake from them.

Hopefully when they're particularly sobering you literally and FIGURATIVELY wake from them.

At least for now, I'm awake.

Jason and I had several days with our schedules cleared which made room for a clearer mind. We worshiped at our first church and met with other believers at the BGCT convention.

unnamed (110) Jason and I broke (a lot) of bread (including West's famous kolaches) with four of FBC's most awesome ladies.

unnamed (111) I spent time with some of my dearest friends. Last night we were moved by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy (the people who inspired The blind Side)to live a life of giving.
The past few days I was able to rest and experience God's goodness in slower motion.  Through that rest and a sobering dream, I'M AWAKE.

I want to stay awake.

As we headed back home, the red flames adorning the"On Fire for Jesus"bus were in our rear view mirror again. This time we looked back after we'd stopped and got a picture.  And this time I looked back without regret because, just maybe,  I found my fire again.

Or at least a desire for it.
God will take care of the rest.

...Let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably (each day that we're given) with reverence and awe, for "our God is a consuming fire". Hebrews 12:28-29


Cling to what is good
Cling to what is good

This is a picture of me; being nice...and happy.  That isn't what this post is about. I'm talking about something shameful and regrettable.

I pouted yesterday; a great big drawn-out out audible pout. You might could even use the word "fit". Something didn't go my way. Well, the whole day didn't go my way, and then late yesterday afternoon I just went stupid.

The worst part?

Hallie was sitting right beside me listening to me carry on. I complained incessantly like a broken record replaying a single bad tune. My episode reminded me of the only spanking I fully remember getting as a child. I think I've written about that before, but for any therapeutic value there might in it be for me, I'll recount the episode again.

My older sister always got the best jobs at home. One of mine was to dust the 489 figurines my mom had on shelves that covered one fourth of the living room, like I was Cinderella or something. I had to set the table for meals too. Vicki got to help cook, but not me, even though I wanted to. (That's probably why I can't cook, Mom!)   And so one evening instead of setting the table, I shared my displeasure with everybody in the house, for about fifteen minutes. Until my dad made me stop. (The End.)

I'm the strong-willed kiddo in my family. –Which can be good if your will is for good. Jason and I have a strong-willed one who I'm hoping won't have a terrible struggle with peer pressure. She's determined. Positive determination is good. The problem comes for stubborn people when something they work to make happen, doesn't happen and they just. can't. get. over. it.

Despite preparation and passion, sometimes things still don't turn out the way you want them to.

It's reasonable to be disappointed. But I was reminded last night by my own show, that the display of our disappointment matters.

My display was regrettable.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

My unwholesome word count was longer than this post.

At some point during blustery, cold last night I resolved to pray. It probably started out as an ugly prayer, if there is such a thing. But the prayer quickly turned to desperation knowing I needed divine intervention. And I vowed to do the impossible……to be quiet…..

while I waited for God to do his work in me.

Faithful, like he is, he took my ugliness and replaced it with peace and perspective.

I share this with you because it's God story; bad news meets Good News again.

Disappointment calls for a prayer appointment.

You will keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you; because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6

Pray always.

Especially when you're pouty



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Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.

2 Corinthians 4:1

I came across a picture cleaning my bathroom yesterday. Don't ask why me it was in the bathroom. It was in a pile of pictures including some pictures my mom took this past Spring Break when we spent the week back home.

The Duffau River in the picture runs behind my parent's house.....I say "runs". More accurately, the part of the Duffau behind my parent's house is a riverbed with small pools of water. It's pretty awesome having a riverbed behind your house. It's like having a built-in patio. And unlike the tall grass on a river's edge, the dry riverbed isn't all that inviting to rattlesnakes and chiggers.

Through the years the riverbed has been a gathering place for my family.  The menfolk do feats of courage and the women folk watch and shake their heads. This past Spring the young menfolk were made to think that honor could be earned by jumping into the frigid water. The earlier in succession, the more honor.

Hayden gained a lot of honor this past trip. Feeling rather invincible after being warmed by a camp fire, he grabbed me up and proceeded to walk back over to the water's edge as if to dump me in. Knowing that protesting wasn't going to help I just held on for dear life. My mom, as you can see, had the camera instead of my back.

Looking back, that was a fun day. For the record, Hayden wised up and didn't drop me in the water. But as I looked at this picture yesterday a title instantly popped into my head.

Up Creek

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Because it was up creek. And as I notice the white knuckles and look of terror, I regrettably say that this picture quite resembles that up creek "in trouble" kind of feeling we parents find ourselves in some days.

There are days when parenting is tough. The kids refuse one too many times to perform simple tasks like flushing the toilet or closing the car door or being courteous to their sister or brother all before you leave the house at 7:45 AM.   As difficult as it is to say, our kids disappoint. We catch them in a lie or they blatantly disobey us.

We disappoint them too. And they let us know. There are days of friction and days when we lose our head. We don't let them go to that movie they were wanting to see; the one EVERYBODY else is going to see. We compare them to their brother, or their sister.  "Your sister has a much harder time with that, but at least she works hard at it". We do it even though we know better.

And even on days when both we and our children have pretty much done it right, there are forces outside our control that make for difficult days. Our kid suffers the actions of a thoughtless kid (or adult) and we have no idea how to go about bettering the situation. Do we email the teacher?  Try and diffuse the situation?

I can't tell you how many days we've struggled through one of those violent twenty-four hour stomach viruses with a trash basket and Sprite that won't stay down.  There's little you can do to bring comfort to your kids sometimes.

There are days a peck on the cheek won't help and a band aid won't fix it.

If only it were single days that parenting is tough. Sometimes we find ourselves in an entire season where parenting is out-right daunting; a season where time stands still and hope seems to move on ahead, nearly out of reach.

Finding ourselves up creek can be terrifying.

Having one of those "inquiring minds want to know" kind of minds, I wondered to myself where the term "up creek" comes from.

Come to find out, there's an actual creek, Haslar Creek in Portsmouth Harbor where wounded sailors were taken. "Up creek" was a Royal Naval Hospital where sailors in need of medical help were taken by tramline. Word has it that some tried to escape but found themselves "up creek without a paddle". I'm not making this stuff up. Just ask Wiktionary.

Days up creek without a paddle

Marooned like those sailors, we occasionally wish we could, with Enya, "Sail away, sail away, sail away" least for a weekend getaway.

We're stranded vessels; mom-shaped containers overflowing with fix-it methods, hugs and instructions, guidance and the recipe for their favorite cookies. And at the same time we often feel empty and worn out and without a clue; damaged like those sailors as Haslar Creek.

Like those sailors, we're at a place where there's help. Lucky for us, we have a God bigger than the universe that is able and willing to station himself up creek right with us on hard days.

Up creek is right where we find the help we need.

 2 Corinthians 4: 7{You see},  we have this treasure in earthen vessels,

And it's in times of great fatigue and failings that the treasure is revealed.

We find ourselves without a paddle to steer us.

 {But in time we'll experience}.... this all-surpassing power {that} is of God and not from ourselves;

{At times} 8we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed

And for seasons that we're stranded, a sea away from safety and answers, we're never without a guide.

Reminds me of a song.

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
a tale of a fateful trip,
that started from this tropic port,
aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailin' man,
the Skipper brave and sure,
five passengers set sail that day,
for a three hour tour,
a three hour tour.

The weather started getting rough,
the tiny ship was tossed.
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
the Minnow would be lost.
The Minnow would be lost.

-Gilligan's Island Theme Song

Be fearless.  Be sure. We're never in this alone.

Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father 1 Thessalonians 1:3







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One of the areas where I score low on the woman card is preparing for and engaging in celebrations.

-she sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks (Proverbs 31:17)

Sometimes I wish there was a Proverbs 32, for the woman who can't seem to get it together but REALLY has it going on in her mind.

I started to get this mess going by typing out, "I like celebrations" or something or other, but really, honestly?..... I'm not sure preparing or attending celebrations are my thing. I actually love hanging out with people.  Talking is my thing.

But gatherings, the kind with a lot of people, make me feel anxious. I find the sound receptors in my ears doing a dizzying dance trying to block out conversations while tuning in to the one I'm supposed to be having. And then there's the food that we always find at celebrations. I've always found Christmas parties awkward as you try to arrange microscopic piles of food; making sure that you get a little bite of everything lest you hurt the feelings of the one who brought the fruit salad. And all of this when what I really want to do is take the entire bowl of chips and La Suprema salsa that someone brought and go eat it in a corner without fear that someone will be watching how I eat chips and salsa. It's not pretty.

While we're on the subject of Christmas parties, I might as well go ahead and divulge my true feelings about the  "Christmas Ornament" swap/game.

  1. I usually want the ornament I brought. I wouldn't have picked it out if I didn't like it.
  2. If somebody else picks out the ornament I brought, I worry whether or not they'll like it so I try to start a conversation with someone beside me avoiding watching the person who's opening the ornament. Because if they make a fake smile or comment I'll know. And as ridiculous as it is (I'm not in fifth grade anymore) it will bother me if they don't find my ornament awesome.
  3. If my ornament is not stolen, it means in my eyes that it was a dud. So basically, if I get my ornament, I don't want you to steal it from me.  But it would make me feel good if you stole my ornament from somebody else.  That's messed up, I know. Ornament Swap parties bring out the worst in me.
  4. I don't know why I get so worked up about ornaments because my tree, like my house at Christmas, is no big whoop.

I didn't mean to get off on Christmas. And by the way, I'm truly grateful to those who fix finger foods and doll their house up. Really, I am.  And I'm partly exaggerating about my party anxiety. December is just so busy, it makes me anxious. Plus, my mom and many of my friends rock at all things Christmas and I don't. Period.

That's why I'd rather talk about Thanksgiving and the noteworthy thing my friend and neighbor does with her family every year. My friend, I believe, is gifted in preparing  inspiring celebrations. Last year I learned that she buys a tablecloth for every Thanksgiving. She decorates the table and has the family write on the tablecloth something that they're thankful for every day. I love this idea.

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So I bought a tablecloth at WalMart yesterday. It was less than ten bucks. Not a fan of ironing, I threw it in the dryer with the jeans or something and attempted to smooth out the fold lines. I threw it on the table with a bowl of Pink Lady apples, ready to be thankful. The bowl really could have used a cycle of jet dry and the apples will probably be gone tomorrow. But I had me a "Thankful Table".

I had planned to finish the laundry and then cook some stew that we could eat while gratefully gathered together, but after an afternoon with a surprise vet visit, meetings and forgotten homework our first meal of thankfulness didn't go as planned. Ready stew was left on the burner with a sleeve of crackers and help yourself instructions to the kids as I left the house on mission. Thankfully I'd had the kids write their first "thankful words" at lunch; my personal favorite being Pokemon.

So here I sit this morning, attempting to wrap my mind around "The Thankful Table".

I have a pretty amber-looking vase that I could fill with some stemmed pine cones.  I imagine they would look perfect on the table. I intended on getting that vase to the table yesterday, but for now the table is simple. Sometimes our expression of thankfulness is simple. Sometimes that's appropriate.

The tablecloth I bought yesterday already has a stain on it. Tomato-based. But here's the thing. Either it will wash out or it will serve as a reminder that our mess-ups against a grace covering can be strangely beautiful.

Some expressions of thankfulness at our table are written in large bold letters much like a declaration. They're share worthy. Other thankful thoughts are sweetly unintelligible  and can only be shared with God; the only one who truly understands.

We wrote our "thankful words" yesterday and this morning somehow the table seems underwhelming. I have it in my mind that such space deserves to be filled with gratefulness. And so it should be in life. Daily.

Our "Thankful Table" is being designed as an offering. But once again, I've decided, that God in His loving-kindness is always the one who gives.

Our acknowledgement of his worthiness matters more than feeble or failed attempts at thankfulness.

May our "Thankful Table never be empty, and never be thought full enough.

Though our Thankful Table may sometimes be simple, may we always long for deeper and more beautiful hearts of thanks.

Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wild fires singing Your name

God of mercy sweet love of mine
I have surrendered to Your design
May this offering stretch across the skies
And these Hallelujahs be multiplied.

-Mulitplied by  Needtobreathe


Life is blunderful.  Give thanks.