Daily Archives: 11 December, 2014

A Guest Post

by Erin Keenright

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

Luke 2:19

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This has always been one of my favorite verses in regards to the story of Christ’s birth – especially since Morgan’s birth.  If there’s one thing I can remember, it’s everything about the day Morgan was born.  I won’t bore you with another “how my child came into the world” story…I’m sure just about every one of us has heard more than our fair share.

What got me thinking about this verse is how God’s tremendous grace gives us all, whether mothers or not, things to ponder in our hearts…and He is not stingy with them, either.  When I think about the life that God has given me, He has not held back one little bit.

We are by no means wealthy or even overly comfortable, but we have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, clothes on our backs, and people who love us.  It’s hard for me to feel sorry for myself even one little bit when I think about those who don’t have even that!

  I’ve seen beautiful sunsets, heard beautiful music, I’ve had a hand to hold when I was scared, friends to laugh and cry with…yet, I know there are PLENTY of folks who can’t say that.  Kind of puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?

What about those who have never heard of Jesus and God’s unfailing love and unending grace?  They’re out there, you know…no hope, no peace, starving for what we have every single day of our lives and somehow take for granted.
I remember when I saw “The Passion of the Christ”.  For those of you who haven’t seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it.  While none of us were actually there when our Lord was crucified, from what I can tell, it gives a pretty close description of the torture and physical, mental, and emotional turmoil Christ suffered on our behalf.  After the film was over, my eyes were filled with tears and I never wanted to sin again.  The thought of it made me physically ill.

Have I sinned since then?  You bet…countless times.  Thankfully, my Father never rolls up the welcome mat…no matter how badly I mess things up and, trust me, I’m pretty thorough at making a mess out of things.

I guess what I’m saying is this:  don’t think something in the Bible does not apply to you because you’re not in that exact situation.

Even before I became a mommy, I tried to remember how good I had it and ponder THOSE things in my heart.  God would then remind me to do what I could and take every opportunity to share them with others.  Not just the tangible, monetary things, but the ones that are REALLY important:  a smile to someone who needs it, a pat on the back for a job well-done, an ear just to listen, praying with someone who needs it, patience when others are impatient, compassion for someone who maybe doesn’t deserve it…this is how God uses us to reveal Himself to others.

Think about when you’ve needed those things and someone was there to fill that need.  That was more than just that person…that was your Heavenly Father putting His arms around you and saying, “I love you…no matter what…” 🙂
You may be thinking, “What about the people who DON’T have that…who’ve never had the opportunity to experience that???”  Those people are out there and it’s up to us to be God’s hands and eyes to those folks.  After all, we are the body of Christ.  Some of us are the legs and feet that go places, the hands that comfort and soothe or the eyes that see the need.  No one’s job is too big or too small.

Because of the chronic disease of sin in this world, life is hard and cruel at times and God knows this.  He gave us the cure for the disease and the tools to share and spread the cure wherever we go.  I say this to you as much to myself…don’t worry what others will think.  Think about the gratitude of the one you are helping.  You may not see it now, but if you ask God to give you His strength and wisdom, those seeds that are planted will bloom in a mighty way!  I am so grateful for the people who have helped me:  family members, friends, pastors and teachers.
Those moments are worth pondering.  Look back at your life, at the times when, no matter how small they may have seemed at the time, you were genuinely grateful to be in that moment.  On occasion, you would go back to those moments and relive them in your mind over and over again, like a favorite movie.  Can’t you just see Mary doing that as she watched her Son grow to be a man?  Can’t you just see her thanking her Father for His birth every single day of her life?

Like childbirth, there are countless times in life where we think it’s too much to bear.  We think we can’t go on and we want to give up.  I know I have and I still do at times.  Then, I look back on all the other stinky stuff God has not led, but CARRIED me through and I’m so grateful for even those most difficult of times.

Your Father is with you in everything…blessing you with the good and carrying us through the bad…and He always will.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.  Look for ways to share what God has given you, what He has poured out for you and your family…someone needs it, needs to see it, needs to hear it…and it will cause you to ponder and smile for years and years to come.

About Erin:

I got my first ever pedicure with Erin seven or so years ago.  She called me and said, "I want to take you somewhere.  It's a surprise".  We went out to eat and got pampered.  It was perfectly-timed, much needed encouragement.  Erin is a caretaker and her laughter is contagious.  She's a deep thinker and I'm so glad she thought to write this for us. She's also written a book. 

Click HERE to check out Erin's book: For the Love of God