Daily Archives: 21 April, 2016

My nostrils were filled with warmed chicken and rice leftovers this morning as I filled two thermoses for the girls' school lunch. I was only slightly awake when my daughter walked in bearing a scent unlike last night's casserole. It wasn't her usual smell of deodorant and hairspray. I knew this sweet smell from days passed but couldn't place it, too busy stuffing cosmic brownie halves into baggies while shouting out a request for a bobby pin. 

It wasn't until I was getting ready in my bathroom that I noticed a dusty bottle of perfume missing from its place on the shelf.

 I immediately remembered the ten year old fragrance, Tommy Girl, worn in the stage when I was diapering the baby and practicing A,B,C's with my preschooler. It was the perfume I wore when my oldest would rub his nose in my shirt when getting in a good snuggle. 

These days I rarely use perfume. (It gives me headaches). I've also thought it unnecessary. Then there's a lack of thought in general concerning fragrance-wearing. It's on my "too busy to think about that" list. 

My newest scent (perfume that I've had for five years) sits on my dresser. It's only picked up on special occasions and then given precisely one squirt. 

My daughter has her own perfume. But today she chose to use a scent of mine she found suitable. 


I smile at that thought. 
Today I'm wearing that old perfume; aware that others, my children included, pay attention to the fragrance I wear.

 May we, as moms and encouragers of faith, keep such an awareness.

 May we sense the responsibility we have in possessing a fragrance that others will want to put on.  May we wear such fragrance as an offering (even when it causes headache, or a little extra effort). Help us to remember that a subtle fragrance is better than one that's overbearing. 

Most of all, may we continually acknowledge that the precious gift of a beautiful fragrance comes from above. 

Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Ephesians 5:2

To my email subscribers, my apologies for sending this post to you three times (Correction, four times) trying to get it right. It won't happen again (this week). 

If you haven't subscribed, please do, despite my admission that I occasionally harass subscribers with the sending of multiple posts.