3 Thoughts for your 2019

Why is it that I always have the most to say when I have the least opportunity to say it? I'm smack in the middle of a dozen projects on the cusp of a new year.

2019 is about to roll in and I think I'm ready for it. I've a host of things I'm happily waving goodbye to. I've a big collection of beautiful things (some of them hard things) that go in life's treasure box. In it are hard fought battles and lessons learned.

Because I'm pressed for time here are three thoughts that are duking it out in my head, this last day of December.

Find a new dream.

I found this jewel yesterday in my youngest' room. I found a lot of stuff in there. More to come on that. But how ironic is this? Never give up on a dream just... And then she quits!

Seriously though, not every dream will be realized. Do dream. Just keep in mind...Not every dream should come to fruition. Some dreams are for tucking away; thankful that they came and danced over you for a while.

Consult the dream maker. His plans are wilder and far better than anything we could come up with. Stick with obedience and faith. The results will win out over any dream we can think up.

You never know what's under someone's bed.

I spent hours cleaning out my youngest' room yesterday. I mean we cleaned out the calf-high pile of junk in her closet. We cleaned off shelves and went through drawers. I sat near her with a garbage bag as she pulled out old water bottles and dusty divorced socks from the abyss under her bed. I consoled her as she parted with a number of her stuffed animals that had stitching where she'd cut them to practice her sewing skills...Maybe a future doctor?

I invited my my husband, Jason to come see the progress today. He'll eventually go peek in the room, but he won't understand. If I showed him the eight garbage bags in the garage he might get a better idea. Still, he'll never appreciate the magnitude of work that was done on that room. Neither would you. Onlookers hardly ever know, much less fully appreciate, the blood, sweat, and tears that a person sheds to get through a mess.

We do best to keep that in mind with those we come into contact, and those we pass up on our street and in the grocery store.

Everybody's got a mess somewhere that's out of sight to you. They're living with it, either doing their best to ignore its unhealthy presence or else fighting it with all they've got, seemingly alone and maybe even ashamed. We're all busy, but we could all spend a little more time in contact with those around us. Maybe they'll let us see their mess and we'll be able to celebrate with them when it's overcome. Maybe we can even help them unite a sock duo in the cleanup.

Tell your story.

I know. I harp on this subject, but I can't help myself. God writes the BEST stories. The past week I was able to travel down memory lane. My Granny, who is in glory, was there in this old painting I found. Years ago it hung in a cheap frame in her bathroom above the tabloids that were stacked on the back of her toilet.

I never knew she painted it. I honestly didn't give it much attention. It was just there. How many hours did she put into it? Why did she paint it? I wish I'd known to ask. For now, I'll reframe her painting and hang it up in my house. Maybe if I listen hard enough it will talk.

I visited with my 93 year old Grandad on Wednesday. Man, does he have stories to tell! These days few of them are true. He told of traveling to every country on the globe and about being born in Paloduro Canyon.

He told us as we were leaving that he was getting ready to travel again with the five star general. I listened intently because his story proved that there's still a twinkling personality (a sense of adventure) in that frail body covered up by a flannel blanket. And I partly listened out of regret that I let so many years pass without taking the time to really listen to all the things he had to say.

So tell stories in 2019. And maybe more important, listen. Ask questions. God speaks to us through others and to others through us.

More than anything, don't neglect to talk to Jesus and to listen to Him too. He takes what seems senseless and makes a new and beautiful song that makes our days a little more merry and bright, even though Christmas is tucked away.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19

Happy 2019

2 thoughts on “3 Thoughts for your 2019

  1. Sherilyn Goodman

    It just so happens that today’s reading on my Sarah Young Calendar devotional was also Isaiah 43:19. “ ... doing a new thing” is the note struck for me. May I be on the lookout-deliberately- for this new thing to do today.


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