A Thursday (and Food ) for Your Thoughts: Mandy Arceneaux

by Mandy Arceneaux

– Sitting in a lounge of a local school, I overheard a statement from a female student that just stuck with me.  She said, “Whoever invented food did it all wrong.” She was struggling with the decision to eat one of her friend’s nachos or not.  She wanted that nacho, but was also worried about fitting into her Halloween costume at the end of the month, resulting in a comment that ultimately hurts our God.

He is the inventor of food.  He is the inventor/creator of all things, in fact, and He never created anything to harm you.

 Genesis 1:31 says “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.”


I could interpret her statement in a very different way and talk about the issue of self-worth in a demanding worldly society. But, for today, I simply want to remind you and myself that God is the creator of all things.

Like I mentioned earlier, the Bible tells us what God creates is good.  With that said, we also know that it is man that messes it up. Food was not created to be a bad thing.  God created food so that we may eat, and live!

Genesis 1:29 says “I gave you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food.”

  We should be rejoicing with God and all that He has created!

    Go outside and smell a flower,

 let the breeze mess up your hair and be glad! 

Dance in the rain, lay in the grass even go eat with your friends.

Thank God for creating your friends, your family and most importantly for creating you.  May we also see the good in everything God has created, and thank Him for being so good to you, who is also one of Gods beautiful creations.


My name is Mandy Arceneaux and I am 23 years old. A year ago I took on a new responsibility as a Wife, and it has been my biggest blessing. Aron is my heaven on earth and I’m thankful to walk through life with him. I have the amazing opportunity to serve the Lord as a career. I work at the Baptist Student Ministry at Lamar University, discipling and sharing the good news of Christ on campus, all day, every day. I enjoy cooking, sleeping, exercising and playing with our sweet puppy, Nala. We reside in Nederland, TX. Go Bulldogs! (I married a PNG Indian, so that’s fun to say!)


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