Mission Accomplished

Space missions have never interested me.  Call me simple or lacking in adventure.

This morning I woke up with the word "mission" on my mind, strange I know.  I thought about how the church is full of mission activities and how the world needs people on mission.  I thought about my full schedule; my mission for today.

I think we all wake up with mission on our mind.  I know I walk like I'm on a mission; my hasty steps determined.  I drive like I'm on a mission too.  Horns and squealing tires around me tell me I'm not the only one.

This morning I read a short article about space missions on the NASA website; don't ask me why. I was curious about what all went into a mission. There were a thousand details I didn't have time to read, but having a successful mission really comes down to two things.

1. Preparation is a vital part of the mission. Astronauts train intensively for two years. They don't get on the rocket ship and wing it.

It seems to me that I forget the necessity of training for my mission.  I'm more likely than not to get out of bed, and hope for the best.  With no more than a few words spoken to God and a maybe a couple of verses read I'm all prepared for my day, right?  Oh yeah, I went to church too.

Astronauts spend time together.  Newer Astronauts are grouped with those more experienced. They learn and live together. They're on the same mission so it only makes sense.

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25

Much of Jesus' mission was spent walking alongside others with a calling.  Jason has said, "There are no Lone Ranger Christians".

We're all on Mission; one I hope ends with the sweet words of Jesus

"Well done, good and faithful servant!" (Matthew 25:21)

All too often I find myself getting distracted by the thousands of mini-missions I find myself on.  I fool myself into believing that things like matching socks and meetings are more important than they really are.  The only mission set before us is one that leads us step by step closer to Jesus. We're better fit for our mission when we're in constant prayer and in the word. Having brothers and sisters beside us in our journey makes it better too.

Above all, let us be joyful on our mission because with Christ behind us and before us, the mission has really already been accomplished.




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