Tag Archives: daughter

 Are you the perfect daughter?  Answer these questions honestly.  If you don't have, say a brother or sister, answer the brother/sister questions by answering how you think you would react.


When I’m asked to clean my room, I:

A.Ask if my brother has to clean his

B.Clean it halfway, stuffing things under the bed

C.They don’t have to ask, I keep it clean

D.I whine, then clean it

2When your mom asks you to change your shirt, you

A.Roll your eyes then change it

B.Ask why

C.Change your shirt immediately

D.Beg her to let you wear it

3Your sister tries to get you in trouble every day, you:

A.Finally decide not to talk to her anymore

B.Think about revenge

C.Pray first asking God’s help.  Then talk to your sister or mom about it.

D.Start telling on her for every little thing she does-see how she likes it

4You know your mom’s going to be upset because you made a really bad grade on your math paper, you:

A.Hide the paper

B.Remind her that grandma told you that your mom was really bad in math too

C.Tell her you’ll try to do better and mean it

D.Tell her how half the class did worse than you

5When your dad tells you to put the magazine away, you say:

A.It’s not a magazine

B.Ok. Just a minute.

C.Yes sir.

D.Why do I have to?  It’s not my bedtime.

6Your most common reaction to getting in trouble is to:

A.Roll your eyes


C.Think to yourself my parents probably know what they’re doing



7Mom feels bad.  You :

A.Use the time she’s napping to steal away extra TV time

B.Fight with your brother

C.Try and think of something you can do to help

D.Wake her up because you can’t find a snack

8Your dad has wrongly accused you of leaving your shoes in the yard, you:

A.Tell your mom he’s being unfair


C.Remember that everybody makes mistakes.  Pick up the shoes. Then you tell him that your sister borrowed them and left them outside.

D.Get them. Throw them in your room and pout.

9The thing you do concerning your brother/sister most often:



C.Pray for


Easy Score Scale:

All C’s-  You are the DAUGHTER OF THE YEAR!!!  I would love for you to come stay at my house for a week to tutor my kids.  But seriously, ALL C's?  Nobody's that good.

Not all C’s- You are like most precious daughters I know; you have room to improve.  Be thankful for your family.  Be forgiving.   Obey your parents even when you don’t agree.  Remember that arguing, eye-rolling, sighing, tattling and pouting are reactions that come easily and automatically.  Pray for God’s help when it is hard to be that loving sister or that respectful daughter that God has designed you to be.

Oh I wish I was there with you to see your answers.  Please let me know how you did!

One more thing!  -Don't forget to check out the Family Contract and Lovely List Family Project (to be posted soon)!! It will be under the QUIZZES AND QUESTIONS and DEVOTION POSTS categories.