A Thursday for Your Thoughts: When God’s Answer is Wait

The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.

-Lamentations 3:25

 Jane Crain's Story-

“I would never date Jim Crain”–real words that came out of my mouth (at one time prior to me marrying the man).

I hear and read statements made by our young ladies that “I can’t find that great guy” or “When will the right guy come along?” ….. I am amazed that girls start so young talking about having and needing boyfriends. They seem to feel that they need a boyfriend to make them feel beautiful or popular.

I have been married to Jim Crain for 20 years this last May.  He is a wonderful man and a great husband and father.  But I had to wait a long time for him to come into my life.  I was 32 when I married and there were some hard years while waiting on that “right” guy to come along–wondering if he ever would.  There were many tears shed and many nights of feeling unloved.

  I always prayed when I dated that it would work out if it was God’s will.  Well, it never did until…Jim Crain came along. It was a surprise; we cannot tell you when our first date was. We just became friends and the friendship became a dating relationship which turned into our marriage relationship.

While I was waiting for Jim, I wondered often what was wrong with me or what I needed to change to find someone.  One day I realized that if I wanted the “right” guy, I needed to be the “right” girl.  I had to be whole and love myself alone and then I could be whole and love myself with someone else.

God can send that “right” guy to you at any time—some marry right out of high school and some wait until later. There is no proven formula. Just make sure the guy you find treats you in a way that glorifies God – you deserve it because you are His daughter!  Try to listen to that inside Holy Spirit voice that will lead you and guide you on the right path.

Originally from Northeast Texas, I met and married my husband at FBC Texarkana.  I like watching soccer and marching bands.  I also enjoy reading and doing needlepoint.

What's your story?  Please send your story, a treasured recipe or your thoughts to kristiburden@gmail.com .  Girls of all ages are encouraged to share.  I anxiously await hearing from you.  And don't forget to come back next week for "A Thursday for Your Thoughts".

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